The TWINNIE is a modern take on the famous Mark Richards Twin Fin. Ridden shorter and wider than your normal performance board. The board has a curvey plan shape and combined with performance rails and a decent set of twin fins the board is highly manuverable. Medium entry rocker and v tail make the board loose with plenty of drive. Dont be fooled by the twin fins – they will demand that you up your game and put you into positions on the wave that you have only dreamed about.

Maße Twinnie

Capacity (KG)
on stock
5'6"19"2 1/4"55 – 6525no
5'7"19 1/4"2 5/16"60 - 7026.5no
5'8"19 1/2"2 3/8"65 - 7528no
5'9"19 3/4"2 7/16"70 - 8029.5no
5'10"20"2 1/2"75 - 8531.5no
5'11"20 1/4"2 5/8"80 - 9034yes
6'0"20 1/2"2 3/4"85 - 9536yes

Andere Größen als Custom Order möglich.

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Wir bieten verschiedene Bauweisen unserer Surfboards an. Von der klassischen Polyester-Bauweise, Epoxy-Surfboards mit einem EPS-Blank (saugt kein Wasser) bis zu unserer High Tech Skullcracker Bauweise für Riversurfboards mit HMPP-Innegra und Epoxy Harz.

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Custom Order

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