The LCD is ridden up to 6 inches shorter and wider than normal. The rocker is flatter to give it drive through flat sections and full rails to give it more buoyancy. The bottom has a single to double concave. This tail is round with a low winger to help loosen up the board through turns. The board comes as a 5 fin setup so it can be used as a quad or thruster. Fun to surf up to shoulder high beach breaks. Definitely an addition to any surfer quiver for those fun days.
Vorgeschlagene Maße - LCD
Length | Width | Thick | Volume (Litres) | on stock |
5'8" | 20" | 2 1/2" | 29.9 | Ja |
5'10" | 20 1/4" | 2 5/8" | 32.2 | Ja |
6'0" | 20 1/2" | 2 3/4" | 35 | Ja |
Andere Größen als Custom Order möglich. |
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