
The MONGREL is one of the high performance shorter wider boards which are popular with intermediate to advanced surfers. The board is ridden up to 4″ shorter than normal and is wider with less rocker. The tail has a single wing and the diamond tail shape shortens the rail giving the board its looseness. Concaves are medium single to double and the rail is full giving the board the volume it needs. The board is quick to accelerate and maintains speed through turns allowing you to link up your manovers with little effort. Generally ridden by intermediate to advanced surfers in small to medium size surf.

Vorgeschlagene Maße - Mongrel

on stock
5'8"19 1/4"2 5/16"26.8Ja
5'9"19 1/2"2 3/8"28.5Ja
5'10"19 1/2"2 1/4"28Ja
6'0"19 3/4"2 1/2"31.8Ja
6'2"20"2 5/8"34.9Ja

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